Understanding The Water Cleanup And Dry Out Process

If your home has suffered water damage due to a leak, flood, or any other such issue, you may be wondering what to expect from the water cleanup process. In this blog, Dry Tech will discuss the clean up process in detail.

The Dry-Out Process – Step By Step

 Properly restoring a home that’s been damaged by water is an involved and comprehensive process, which follows these basic steps:

  1. Assessment – First, moisture meters and thermal imaging cameras are used to identify leaks, areas that have been damaged by water, and the overall impact of the water damage to your home. Based on these findings, the proper water removal tools can be used.
  2. Water Removal – Using water vacuums, any standing water or major puddles or pools are removed from the home, and vacuumed into holding tanks, which are drained into proper waste receptacles.
  3. Drying – Simply removing water is not enough to restore a home. The interior air and structure, which are still extremely damp and humid, must be dried. Air movers and dehumidifiers are used to circulate air and remove excess moisture, while air scrubbers are used to clean and purify the air inside your home.

Usually, the process takes about 3 days, but this may vary based on the extent of water damage in your home.

The 3 Categories Of Water Loss

Water that causes damage to home is typically place in one of three categories.

  • Category 1 – Category 1 water damage originates from a sanitary source, such as a broken tap water pipe, and poses no serious risk due to inhalation, exposure, or ingestion. It may not remain clean and safe, however, once it contacts other materials and surfaces.
  • Category 2 – Category 2 water damage could potentially cause discomfort or sickness to humans upon exposure or consumption, due to high levels of microorganisms. A sump pump failure is a good example of this.
  • Category 3 – Category 3 water is immediately harmful to humans, and could contain toxins, heavy metals, dangerous organic matter, or pathogens. Sewer water would be in category 3.

Know What To Expect When Having Your Home Treated For Water Damage!

While water damage is never a good thing, partnering with the right water removal company can make things quick and easy, and ensure your home is restored after a flood or other incident. So find a qualified water removal professional near you now, and get the help you need today.